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Congo has full support for Hugo taxonomies and will adapt to any taxonomy set up. Taxonomy listings like this one also support custom content to be displayed above the list of terms.

This area could be used to add some extra decriptive text to each taxonomy.


Resources to learn go

·2 mins

This is resources will take you from not knowing what coding is, to becoming proficient in Go

Go Books

·1 min

a List of all Go books

Tools in The Go ecosystem

·1 min
This tools will show you how awesome is the Go ecosystem. Sources # - [Calculate cyclomatic complexities of functions in Go source code.]( - [Automatically generate Go test boilerplate from your source code]( - [Go weekly newsletter]( Edit this page on GitHub

Made With Go

·1 min
You want to know what others built using the very Go? Sources # Docker Compose Kubernetes CockroachDB BadgerDB FerretDB NSQ NATS Centrifugo PhotoPrism Caddy Edit this page on GitHub